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Calling all water photographers:


Launched on World Oceans Day (June 8), the Water Docs Film Festival invites you to share your love of all things water by participating in our photography contest: STILL WATERS RUN DEEP.

Share our passion for celebrating and promoting water protection and conservation by submitting your stunning shots of the earth’s most precious element in any and all of its magical, mystical forms.


Whether you’re a newbie or a professional photographer, we want to hear from you and see your work!

*Note: Water is everywhere, and part of everything. This contest is not limited to photos of oceans, but includes different kinds of water ~ whether liquid, solid or vapour, and water ecosystems, too.


How to enter:

  • Entry is really easy and free of charge.
    If there’s a story behind your photo that you’d like to share, feel free to add a caption.

  • Submission deadline: June 30.

  • Winning photos will be selected and announced on July 10.


  • You can submit one photo for consideration.

  • By entering, you agree that you are the author of the work submitted. You own all copyrights to the image submitted, and take all responsibility for the content of the image, including misuse by third parties.

  • We accept JPG/JPEG digital files up to 2 MB file size.

  • You retain all rights to the photo submitted to the contest. Our goal is to promote the beauty of water and your photography submission in good faith.

  • Water Docs guarantees that photographers will be fully credited when posting their photos on our social media platforms. We cannot guarantee that others who copy or re-post your photos will do the same.

Nothing in this announcement should be interpreted as encouraging or condoning non-compliance with social / physical distancing requirements during the current COVID-19 pandemic.


Photo selection:

  • From July 1 to 8 Water Docs fans and followers will be invited to vote on their favourite photo submission by simply liking the photo of their choice.

  • We will announce the photo with the most “Likes” on July 10.

Be sure to tell your family, friends, and fans about your photo. Ask them to follow us and weigh in with a like!

The Water Docs Film Festival team keeps those affected by the recent health concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic in our hearts, and sends best wishes for health and strength to the community of water warriors everywhere during this difficult time. We hope our photo contest will inspire our audiences, activists, and artists to continue celebrating and taking #ActionForWater. 

If you're in a position to do so, please consider supporting Ecologos/Water Docs and our charitable mission by making a donation today.

Thank you, with love and gratitude from the Ecologos/Water Docs team.