Our volunteers are the backbone of Water Docs programming! A few of us are staff, but the rest of Water Docs contributors are volunteers who share a passion for water and climate justice through the arts. Our success and growth is a direct result of this combined passion and effort.

Water Docs’ programs stir and inspire people deeply through documentary film and move the dial on public opinion. By hosting unique documentary experiences that inspire individual and collective community engagement, action is inspired to reduce carbon emissions and protect water and climate on a local level.

The #LaterNoMore: Activating Climate Solutions Now! project which includes the Water Docs Film Festival, Community Town Hall Meetings, Lesson Plans for Students, an interactive website and an engaging Social Media campaign, will reach success with your help.

Current Volunteer Opportunities

  • Water Docs Film Festival - Event Volunteers

  • Photography & Videography - Event Volunteers

  • Board of Directors

  • Fundraising

  • Website Maintenance

  • Social Media & Marketing

  • Engaging Writers/Storytellers

  • Influencers

  • Brand Ambassadors

Have fun and meet some new people who care about water, climate, and the environment as much as you do! Simply, drop us a line at volunteer@ecologos.ca. We look forward to connecting and working with you soon.

Water Docs Ambassadors

You can help extend the reach of Ecologos’ water and climate programs by getting the word out through social and traditional media channels, organizing exciting community events, tapping new networks, and finding interested teachers.