Residence in Practice: Rawan Al-Wakeal's Zero Waste Challenge
Rawan Al-Wakeal is a part of the Design Team for Ecologos, a Water Docs Film Festival. She is a Creative Director who specializes in Digital Media [social media x blogging x image x video] and in Traditional Media [academia x writer]. Her passion for the environment and water issues has allowed her to create a series of creative content of her Zero Waste Journey and invites you all to take the challenge!
Zero Waste Challenge Day 1: Grow an Aloe!
I am new to this Zero Waste Journey and loving it! Everyday is a new experience, eliminating useless plastic from my life one step at a time. I have decided to take the 15 day Zero Waste Challenge and will be documenting my life via day to day blogs on here!
Day 1 is about growing plants and how plants can be beneficial for our human bodies. People who know me call me a plant lady because of my love for plants! I currently have an Aloe Vera plant, an Air plant, a Spider plant and a Jade plant.
Why grow plants?
Studies have shown that growing house plants can improve your concentration and productivity by 15%, reduce stress and boost your mood and energy. (
I grow my plants in my bedroom and noticed how they help me with sleep, relaxation and stress. I usually get rid of any electronics when I sleep, including my phone and laptop and this leaves me with my plants at night. My plants help calm me down when I’m overwhelmed with school and I love every part of taking care of my plants. Watering them and cleaning them with cloth and water allows me to de-stress my mind.
Recently, I have been reading a lot about Aloe Vera plants and how they are beneficial to your body. So below are some facts are personal experiences of mine with my Aloe!
To grow an Aloe Vera plant is easy:
Keep in a cool and dry place
Plant an Aloe Vera in potting soil
Make sure that the pot has plenty of drainage holes for water
Make sure your Aloe Vera houseplant has proper sunlight. Put yours beside a window!
How to get Aloe gel from an Aloe Vera plant:
Cut a small piece of an Aloe Vera plant into a rectangular shape
Use a knife and cut the Aloe in half and remove the aloe juice slowly. Be careful with that knife!
Rub the gel on your face and leave it on for about 20 minutes or until dry
Next, peel it off and wash your face with only water
Finally, pat dry with a clean cloth and watch your face shine and repeat twice a week!
Why grow an Aloe: (
Why grow an Aloe Vera Plant?
Helps with the Healing of Burns
Aloe Vera has been known as a treatment for burns, particularly sunburns. Did you know that the FDA first approved Aloe Vera ointment as an over-the-counter medication for skin burns back in 1959? This is because studies have shown that Aloe Vera efficiently helps with first- and second-degree burns.
2) Reduces Dental Plaque
Believe it or not but Aloe Vera can prevent tooth decay and gum diseases!
In a study that included 300 people using pure Aloe Vera juice versus the standard mouthwash ingredient chlorhexidine, after only 4 days of use, the Aloe Vera mouth rinse was found to be as effective as regular over the counter mouthwash.
Aloe Vera juice kills bacteria when gargled by the mouth.
3) Improves Skin and Prevents Wrinkles
“In one study of 30 women over the age of 45, topical application of the gel was shown to increase collagen production and improve skin elasticity over a 90-day period”
4) Helps Treat Sores
Studies have shown that Aloe Vera gel can help reduce pain and heal mouth ulcers.
5) Aftershave treatment
Individuals can use Aloe gel as an after shave treatment on their face and body!
My Experience:
I personally use Aloe Vera gel on my face to reduce pimples for clear skin. After I have used my oatmeal, honey and turmeric face scrub, I pat my face dry then use Aloe Vera gel on my face.
I make sure that my hands are also very clean because that last thing I want to do is to spread germs around my face!
After the gel is dry on my face, I wash with warm water and pat dry. I do this twice a week and have noticed my face is very radiant and tight.
Take the challenge with me, grow an Aloe Vera plant! Hashtag #zerowastelife for me to support your page. Let’s help protect the environment together.
Drink Water. Only from Taps.
Feature 2
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Feature 3
The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Fusce at massa nec sapien auctor gravida in in tellus. Sed a ligula quis sapien lacinia egestas.