Water Docs @ Home

Thanks for stopping by. It’s important to stay connected.

Here are some fun and engaging activities to help you sail through your days in social-distancing isolation.

For your viewing pleasure, Water Docs Recommends:


Click the link for the streaming and on-demand platforms you have access to and see lots of documentary film recommendations:
CBC GEM, Amazon Prime and Netflix.

Wish for Water

Our recent #WishForWater campaign called on our community to create some noise around what we hope to see in our future world, and it truly made a splash!

From reducing plastic use, to increasing access to safe and healthy water, we felt your calls for a greater overall respect for water, our environment, and the human right to water.

And it’s not too late to join this initiative! We continue to invite you to share your wishes with us.

To participate, take a photo with a #WishForWater and email it to us at contests@ecologos.ca. We will then add it to our community submissions.

Thank you for remaining active, informed and hopeful. You, our community, continue to inspire us!

WATER you doing? Did someone say “BINGO!”?

Dive into our stay-at-home bingo game, a fun solo activity that anyone at home can participate in.


To play, download or screenshot this template, use an app (we suggest Instagram if you have it) to circle all the activities you've done so far while staying at home, and share the results with us!

#ActionForWater Colouring Challenge

Have you entered our colouring challenge yet?

We want to brighten up the "walls" of our website with your artwork, so we've created this beautiful colouring sheet to get your creativity flowing!


Just print, colour and email it to us along with your name, age and location at contests@ecologos.ca to enter!

Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.
— Ryunosuke Satoro