History… and the hope for a new and brighter future
Daniele Babbo
ITALY | 2020 | 74 min | North American Premiere
The divers of Mostar fly from their bridge from generations, every day, risking their lives. They've been keeping on this tradition for the last 200 years, even when the bridge was destroyed by the war. Some keep in their minds and bodies the signs of conflict and pain, while the young ones look at the future, looking for the perfect dive. An exclusive and intimate look in the lives of a group of men, incarnating the feelings and the story of their country.
Karolina (Kaya) Ensor
USA | 2019 | 45 min | North American Premiere
Kwando tells the story of a young Angolan fisherman, haunted by his past as a child soldier and unsure of his future, who joins a team of international scientists to explore one of Angola’s last unexplored rivers. Through hardships, scientific discoveries and his own growing interest in birds, he finds hope for a new future for his homeland—one that involves protecting this magnificent landscape for future generations.
Our mission is to evoke a spirit of reverence for water; to inform about threats that imperil water; and to inspire citizen action to protect water and its many effects on climate change.
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Ecologos/Water Docs is a charitable organization. If you're in a position to do so, please consider supporting Ecologos/Water Docs and our charitable mission by making a donation today in addition to the purchase of your Festival Pass.
Your pass will give you access to all Resurge screening packages until Tuesday, November 30, 2021.