ON-DEMAND November 9 - 30
What is our human capacity to help others while not repeating the mistakes of the past?
Khusnul Khitam
INDONESIA | 2020 | 71 min | International Premiere
PULEJAJAR Cave is known to have underground rivers with abundant water. Working together, the local residents and community volunteers create a system to retrieve the water from the cave which not only brings hope for Rubiyanto and the Jepitu village community, it also reopens the inner connection between Echa and her beloved father who used to be an activist in Pulejajar Cave.
Vanita Khanna
CANADA | 2020 | 35.5 min | Toronto Premiere
We live on "the blue planet", abundant with water, yet we are now facing a crisis created by decades of mismanagement, unlimited depletion, and pollution of the earth's water bodies, issues now being accelerated by climate change. Through the lens of the Satluj river in Punjab, India, we trace the story of challenges, hopes and aspirations of water’s will to survive and rejuvenate.
Our mission is to evoke a spirit of reverence for water; to inform about threats that imperil water; and to inspire citizen action to protect water and its many effects on climate change.
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Ecologos/Water Docs is a charitable organization. If you're in a position to do so, please consider supporting Ecologos/Water Docs and our charitable mission by making a donation today in addition to the purchase of your Festival Pass.
Your pass will give you access to all Resurge screening packages until Tuesday, November 30, 2021.