Water Docs Film Festival is about more than just watching documentaries - it's about inspiring a love for water that leads to tangible actions to protect our most precious element.
We've put together a little bag of water-friendly goodies from our community partners to give away (including a tote bag & package-free soap from bare market, a GuppyFriend microfiber bag from Patagonia Toronto, a copy of Drawdown and a Water Docs stainless steel water bottle).
Here's how you can enter for your chance to win it:
1) Post on social media about your most inspiring moment at the Water Docs Film Festival this year (can be on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram)
2) Tell us in the same post one action for water you will be taking.
3) Tag Water Docs Film Festival (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
4) Use the hashtag #ActionForWater
Giveaway winner will be announced sometime next week and contacted on the social media channel they posted on. The package will have to be picked up at either the Centre for Social Innovation's 720 Bathurst or 192 Spadina locations.
One of the most common questions we get is “What can I do?” Each of us interacts with water in dozens of ways every day. Here are a few of the many things you can do to protect, conserve, learn about, and celebrate water.
Conserve water
Take shorter showers and catch the water as it warms for plants.
Take a moment to thank the water before you drink it.
Install a low flush toilet if you don’t have one.
Catch and use rainwater. Water outdoor plantings in early morning or early evening for less evaporation. Rethink how you garden. Avoid peat and use native plants adapted to our climate.
Use a “GuppyFriend” bag or Cora ball when you wash fleeces and other synthetics to keep microplastics out of rivers and oceans
Be a concerned consumer
Use as little plastic as possible (avoid plastic bags, single use water bottles, straws, disposable takeout containers and coffee cups). Join a zero waste group.
Learn about plastics and reduce them.
Reduce consumption of red meat (especially beef) and products like almonds that use lots of water.
Eat only sustainable fish.
Buy less stuff – repair rather than replace when possible, or buy secondhand.
Monitor your water footprint; here’s a water footprint calculator.
Enjoy your local waterways
Use your local waterways: walk, swim, canoe ….
Vacation in provincial or federal parks.
Learn about your local watershed and the Great Lakes. Read the Great Lakes Guide and explore.
Go on Lost Rivers walks or consider participating in an Indigenous-led local water walk or ceremony.
Join local organizations like Friends of High Park, Friends of Black Creek, Glen Stuart Ravine, etc.
Clean up a ravine or a shoreline; clean the storm drains on your street when they clog after a rain.
Learn and take action
Volunteer with water protection environmental organizations.
Research water topics that catch your interest.
Join the campaign to end drinking water advisories on First Nations.
Oppose water privatization.
Consider hosting a Water Docs Where-You-Live film screening and discussion.
Read Traditional Knowledge: Considerations for Protecting Water in Ontario.
Communicate your concerns about water to municipal, provincial and federal politicians.
Write letters protesting poor water conditions in Indigenous communities.
Tell a grade 7 or 8 teacher about the Water Docs @ School program.
Get involved with these or other groups working to affect the future of our water.
Lake Ontario Waterkeeper
Goal: creating a swimmable, drinkable, fishable future. Discover their 5 recommendations for improving Toronto’s harbour water quality. Read their blogs about local water issues.
Ocean Wise
Check which sustainable fish to have for dinner. Break your plastic habit.
Council of Canadians
Sign up for their newsletters and fact sheets, and get involved locally. Support the Blue Community movement.
Wellington Water Watchers
Fight bottled water and Guleph-based water protection group. Check their list of other campaigns.
Assembly of First Nations
Learn about the struggle for safe drinking water on reserves.
Lost River Walks
Investigate their lost river maps of Toronto and go on some of their walks.
Follow the Water Innovation Labs around the world and check out their school programs.
Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup
Lead or join a shoreline cleanup near you.
Project Drawdown
Join the effort to educate and help develop policy initiatives to respond to climate change and all its water-related aspects.
Water Walker by Joanne Robertson (read with children)
Drawdown by Paul Hawken, Ed.
Life Without Plastic, by Chantal Plamondon
Seasick, by Alanna Mitchell
Blue Gold, Blue Covenant and Blue Future, by Maude Barlow
The Big Thirst, by Charles Fishman