Get ready to dive deep with us!
Water Docs is an environmental documentary film festival celebrating all things water. In March every year enjoy film screenings, take part in lively discussions with filmmakers and guest speakers, learn about water issues, and discover action possibilities from our featured community partners.
For the love of water, come join us this March!
This year our first screening will happen on March 5 at Evergreen Brick Works in the BMO Atrium. On March 20, we’ll be at the OISE Auditorium and then from March 21-24, our screenings will all take place at the Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema.
Be sure to check out the details of all our festival events on the following pages and take the plunge by grabbing your tickets to the best film festival about all things water that you’ll find anywhere.
Come and celebrate with us!
“In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught.”
Please support Ecologos initiatives by purchasing Water Docs T-Shirts ($25) and Water Bottles ($20) available at all Water Docs Film Festival screenings.