Lives are on the line with the construction of the Site-C dam on the Peace River and become witness to a thrilling rescue mission to save a little known whale species on the verge of extinction caused by poaching in the illegal fishing trade.
After the initial live-streamed event, your ticket will give you
access to the recording until Sunday, November 15, 2020.
This is The Best of The Best: The Water Docs 2020 Best Film Awards and this year we will present our Best Short Film Award to Byron M. Dueck, the director of Valley of the Southern North and our Best Feature Film Award to Wolfgang Knöpfler & Walter Köhler, producers of Sea of Shadows. Join us to discover and celebrate the best films submitted to the festival this year.
Valley of the Southern North
Filmmaker: Byron M. Dueck
CANADA | 2018 | 19.5 min
VALLEY OF THE SOUTHERN NORTH is a love letter to The Peace Valley and the people and creatures that make it their home. The Site C dam, now under construction, will destroy the ancestral territory of the Dane Zaa and Cree, violate treaties and displace residents, farmers and wildlife living along its shores.
Sea of Shadows
Filmmakers: Richard Ladkani, Wolfgang Knöpfler & Walter Köhler
AUSTRIA | 2019 | 105 min
A looming disaster in one of the most spectacular environments on Earth sparks a rescue mission unlike any other in SEA OF SHADOWS. When Mexican drug cartels and Chinese traffickers join forces to poach the rare totoaba fish in the Sea of Cortez, their deadly methods threaten virtually all marine life in the region, including the most elusive and endangered whale species on Earth, the vaquita porpoise. SEA OF SHADOWS follows a team of dedicated scientists, high-tech conservationists, investigative journalists and courageous undercover agents as well as the Mexican Navy as they put their lives on the line to save the last remaining vaquitas and bring the vicious international crime syndicate to justice.
Emcee: Rick Miller
is a writer/director/actor/musician/educator who has performed in five languages on five continents, and who Entertainment Weekly called “one of the 100 most creative people alive today”. He has personally created shows such as the BOOM Trilogy and MacHomer, as well as many family oriented pieces and an educational animated series called Kidoons with Craig Francis. Rick is from Montreal, and lives in Toronto with his partner Stephanie Baptist and their two daughters.
After the initial live-streamed event, your ticket will give you
access to the recording until Sunday, November 15, 2020.
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