Opening Night
Lights! Camera! Climate action!
LIVE STREAMED Tuesday, November 9 @ 7pm EST
4pm PST / 5pm MST / 6pm CST / 8pm AST
ON DEMAND November 10 - 30
The Rights of Nature versus Corporate Rights
Joshua Pribanic & Melissa Troutman
USA | 2020 | 85 min | Canadian Premiere
Produced by award-winning actor Mark Ruffalo, INVISIBLE HAND takes you behind the curtain of the global economy where ‘Rights of Nature’ becomes “capitalism’s one true opponent.” In the fall of 2014, for the first time in United States history, an ecosystem filed to defend itself in a lawsuit claiming its ‘right to exist' in Grant Township, Pennsylvania. For attempting such a radical act, Grant’s rural community of 700 people were sued by a corporation, then by the state government, and are now locked in a battle to defend the watershed they call home through civil disobedience.
Teymour Ghaderi
IRAN | 2020 | 8 min | International Premiere
Girls in Sistan and Baluchestan province of Iran have to go far away from their villages to bring water from the pond because of the lack of a fresh water source nearby. Most of these ponds have a kind of Iranian crocodile called Gando living in them that attack humans and that's why most of the children who are forced to fetch the water for their families have lost either their legs or hands. People from this province still treat the Gandos with respect because they believe when there is a Gando, so there is water. GANDO tells the story of a nine-year-old girl named Hawa that has lost her hand to a Gando.
Myrto Papadogeorgou & Robert Harding Pittman
GREECE | 2018 | 17 min | Ontario Premiere
Gioula is fighting to preserve her simple way of life with her family, dogs, cats, bees, chickens, horses, and hundreds of ancient olive trees on her organic olive farm on the coast of the Peloponnese Peninsula in Greece. The arid region, where water is scarce and where people have fished and farmed for over 35,000 years, is threatened by plans to build a large golf resort destined for foreign wealthy sunseekers. Not only farming itself, but moreover, a way of life and a culture are in peril.
In Gioula’s words: “This is pure violence. Violence towards the earth.” In a time of economic crisis, development pressures are high. All Gioula wants is a simple life.
EMCEE: Rick Miller
is a writer/director/actor/musician/educator who has performed in five languages on five continents, and who Entertainment Weekly called “one of the 100 most creative people alive today”. He has personally created shows such as the BOOM Trilogy and MacHomer, as well as many family oriented pieces and an educational animated series called Kidoons with Craig Francis. Rick is from Montreal, and lives in Toronto with his partner Stephanie Baptist and their two daughters.
Our mission is to evoke a spirit of reverence for water; to inform about threats that imperil water; and to inspire citizen action to protect water and its many effects on climate change.
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Ecologos/Water Docs is a charitable organization. If you're in a position to do so, please consider supporting Ecologos/Water Docs and our charitable mission by making a donation today in addition to the purchase of your Festival Pass.
After the initial live streamed event, your pass will give you access to the recording of the event until
Tuesday, November 30, 2021.