LIVE STREAMED Sunday, November 14 @ 3pm EST
12pm PST / 1pm MST / 2pm CST / 4pm AST
ON DEMAND November 15 - 30, 2021
Especially curated for our short film lovers!
Maevia Griffiths
SWITZERLAND | 2020 | 40 min | World Premiere
THE DROP confronts the audience with the topic of water not uniquely as a necessity, but rather as an indicator of social justice, racial inequalities, and a trigger for social transformative change. Following a young Swiss student through the USA, Canada, Guatemala, and Bolivia, different stories and interviews illustrate how a single drop of water can highlight the drop of a global system that fails to consider its people equally.
Lucas Stanton and Peter Roads
AUSTRALIA | 2020 | 4 min | North American Premiere
Peter's casual swim at the local pool turns into a traumatizing flashback of being terrorized by a childhood swimming instructor.
Ryan Chu
USA | 2020 | 3.5 min | Ontario Premiere
A sea otter who is afraid of the ocean is challenged to face his fears when he loses his precious pink shell necklace at sea.
Brian G. Smith
CANADA | 2013 | 2.5 min | World Premiere
2-year-old Leon experiences his 1st solo rain shower.
Thomas Mangum
USA | 2020 | 7 min | World Premiere
Scuba diving is the cure for it all. Tourettes Syndrome is often misunderstood and ridiculed. COMPULSIVE DIVER will help to rid some of the stigmas surrounding the condition.
Jan Vozenilek
CANADA | 2020 | 5.5 min | World Premiere
Mission Creek is one of the Okanagan Valley’s most important waterways, supplying a quarter of all inflow waters to Okanagan Lake. Running through Kelowna, BC, Canada, the creek holds significant ecological, historical, and cultural value beyond just Kelowna, affecting upstream and downstream watersheds and communities across the Central Okanagan.
This film highlights the restoration efforts being undertaken by the Mission Creek Restoration Initiative (MCRI), to return the creek to its natural flow, restore essential habitat for wildlife, and provide an active corridor and essential greenspace for residents and visitors each day.
Nathan Weyland
USA | 2021 | 7.5 min | Canadian Premiere
More severe weather in California's central valley ("drier dries and wetter wets", as climate scientists predict) is threatening one of the world's most important food producing regions. Efforts are underway to replenish the water below ground, the 'savings account' that farmers and small communities rely on to eke through the dry periods. What is the future of this promising technology and what further research is needed to ensure safety for all the communities that rely on groundwater?
Benjamin Fieschi-Rose and Kirsten Brass
CANADA | 2021 | 10 min
THE LOST SEAHORSE is a stop-motion short film about one small creature struggling to fit in. But it is set in front of a much larger backdrop of ecological change. This film will take audiences on a journey through a striking underwater world, and along the way, remind them of the importance of our oceans and the creatures that inhabit them.
Layla Black
CANADA | 2020 | 23 min | Toronto Premiere
This short film shares the story of Layla Black on her path to reclaim her Mohawk identity. As a generational survivor of residential schools, they took her culture from her, but watch her story as she takes it back. And it all started with the water.
Dominic Cordisco
USA | 2021 | 15 min | World Premiere
Following a series of abstract photos called LIGHT ON WATER, the artist made this meditative, experimental short film to observe nature in an abstract way, and to combine moving images with abstract and ambient generative music. This version of LIGHT ON WATER is a capture of a moment and place in time, as he floated in his kayak in the Atlantic near Rockport, Maine.
For the soundtrack, inspired by Steve Reich, Terry Riley and Brian Eno's work with tape loops, he created a system for generative music using only a Telecaster and effects pedals. Once the system is set in motion with only a few notes, they repeat and evolve, ebb and flow, and cascade and oscillate with little to no further input. Like the moment captured in the video, the music is ephemeral; the loops used to create this soundtrack were erased after recording. They cannot ever be recreated the same way again.
EMCEE: Rick Miller
is a writer/director/actor/musician/educator who has performed in five languages on five continents, and who Entertainment Weekly called “one of the 100 most creative people alive today”. He has personally created shows such as the BOOM Trilogy and MacHomer, as well as many family oriented pieces and an educational animated series called Kidoons with Craig Francis. Rick is from Montreal, and lives in Toronto with his partner Stephanie Baptist and their two daughters.
Our mission is to evoke a spirit of reverence for water; to inform about threats that imperil water; and to inspire citizen action to protect water and its many effects on climate change.
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Ecologos/Water Docs is a charitable organization. If you're in a position to do so, please consider supporting Ecologos/Water Docs and our charitable mission by making a donation today in addition to the purchase of your Festival Pass.
After the initial live streamed event, your pass will give you access to the recording of the event until
Tuesday, November 30, 2021.