ON DEMAND November 9 - 30
What does it mean to lose our fresh water gems and how can we even put a price on them?
Oscar Corral
USA | 2021 | 110 min | Canadian Premiere
Florida’s artesian springs are a natural wonder of the world. As unique as the geysers of Yellowstone and as mesmerizing as Vernal Falls in Yosemite, these blue jewels surrounding the north Florida landscape are considered a treasure by many who see them. The state contains the largest and highest concentration of fresh water springs on earth. But today, the future of Florida’s springs is uncertain.
With flow levels declining and nitrate pollution on the rise, the springs today bear the scars of a profound struggle, but Florida's own government continues to approve permits for large companies that want to pump water from the springs and their springsheds for nominal permit fees that often cost less than a day pass to Disney World. THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE SPRINGS takes viewers behind the scenes of the fight to save Florida's springs, from the halls of the state capitol in Tallahassee to deep caves of Ichetucknee spring.
Jérémie Battaglia
CANADA | 2021 | 53 min | Ontario Premiere
It's well known that water is a collective good and a free inexhaustible resource... false! THE COST OF FREE WATER (LA GOUTTE DE TROP) follows the journey of a drop of water through the whole Montreal water system. Overconsumption, waste, inadequate filtration processes... but there is still some hope as citizens take on the challenge of reducing their consumption.
Our mission is to evoke a spirit of reverence for water; to inform about threats that imperil water; and to inspire citizen action to protect water and its many effects on climate change.
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Ecologos/Water Docs is a charitable organization. If you're in a position to do so, please consider supporting Ecologos/Water Docs and our charitable mission by making a donation today in addition to the purchase of your Festival Pass.
Your pass will give you access to all Resurge screening packages until Tuesday, November 30, 2021.